Lenora Williams, now 97, kept up correspondence with around 30 troops — and four of them proposed

Bomb factory worker Lenora Williams had a secret weapon that rallied British troops in World War Two... her PEN.
Just as Vera Lynn’s songs lifted Our Boys’ spirits, Lenora quietly became a forces sweetheart too as she wrote more than 1,000 letters to soldiers, airmen and sailors.
She even hid notes in munitions packaging to boost morale.
Lenora struck up relationships with 30 pen pals who regularly sent letters from the frontline – with four of them proposing.
The secret haul was discovered when the Hereford great-gran, now 97, was moved to a care home last year because of her Alzheimer’s.

Son Alan, 64, was speechless after uncovering the treasure trove in a trunk under a dressing room chair.
He said: “My jaw dropped to the floor. It’s a most incredible collection... hundreds and hundreds of letters, along with dozens of photos sent to her by servicemen.
“It’s just so peculiar because Mum never mentioned any of it to us.
“Mum has dementia now and it’s difficult to communicate with her. But after I found the letters, I whispered to her, ‘I know what you got up to in the war’. Her face lit up and you could see a little glint in her eye.
"She was just a young girl having fun meeting soldiers on nights out as they passed through Hereford for training – and she’d ask if they wanted to be pen friends.
“It was all very harmless. She just wanted to send news from home and keep their spirits high.”
Lenora wrote up to five letters a week throughout the war – starting when she was 17.
She was one of 4,000 “canary girls” who mixed TNT chemicals by hand at the Rotherwas munitions factory.

It led to jaundice which turned their skin yellow – hence the nickname.
At work she hid notes in bomb packaging in the hope of striking up conversation with a stranger on active duty.
Alan, a retired chip shop owner, said: “She’d write things like ‘Here’s one for Hitler’ or ‘Give them one from us’.
"She’d ask them to send her a photo, which they were only too happy to do. It’s incredible to think how she boosted the spirits of men with just a note from home.

“People were writing to Mum from all over the world – it was like the worldwide web of its day.”
The letters reveal a string of pro-posals from squaddies. Hundreds of messages were exchanged with one handsome Belfast boy who caught her eye at a local dance in 1941.
Corporal Maxwell “Tootsie” Thompson, of the Royal Ulster Rifles, was smitten. And in a note from April 1943, he begged: “Do you not think it would be possible for you and I to get married?
“I’m asking you to throw all caution to the winds, sweetheart – nothing ventured, nothing gained.
“You have quite a few weeks to make your mind up. There’s nothing that I know of that would go wrong.
“After all darling, you are 21 in exactly 35 days time, and that’s womanhood. It may appear to you darling that I am a perpetual nuisance. Maybe I am!
“But you cannot blame a man for trying even if he feels he is up against it!”

He signs off: “It has gone bedtime darling and I must bid you goodnight and happy dreams. Forever and ever yours Angel, Tootsie.”
Lenora accepted the offer of marriage, but it was not to be. In March 1945, she received a note from the Army revealing the paratrooper was “dangerously ill” after being hit by shrapnel in northern France.
Lenora could not get to Northern Ireland to meet Tootsie’s family and the romance eventually fizzled out.
But in 1946 she began swapping letters with Ken Williams, a sergeant in the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, who had been held captive by the Nazis near Dresden.
The pair, who met at a dance in Hereford after the war, wed in 1948.

Lenora worked as a dinner lady at All Saints primary school in Hereford, while Ken, from Crewe, ran a catering business.
They had three children, four grandchildren and four great- grandchildren. Ken died in 2014 at 88.
Alan said: “Mum thought Tootsie was the bee’s knees, and by all accounts the whole family loved him.
“But the letters with Dad are much different. He was held as a prisoner of war on the Greek island of Leros and there’s an element of post-traumatic stress coming through.
“All he talked of was food – which is probably why he went into the food game when he was demobbed. He would talk about the rebuilding of Germany and how he couldn’t wait to come home to see her.”
The hoard of letters reveal little of the horrors of frontline warfare. Instead they talk fondly of civvy street, with soldiers inviting Lenora to dances and the cinema.
Scores are signed SWALK – sealed with a loving kiss – and TOIL, the one I love. Alan added: “You can almost plot the war by following the franking stamps as soldiers go from A to B.
“And you can work out where the bombs from Rotherwas were headed from the letters that were sent back.
“But there’s surprisingly very little about the trauma of life at war.
"I think it was escapism for soldiers who wanted to retain some kind of normality of what life was like before they went away. Writing was a way to while away the hours.

"The conversations they were having just happened to be against the backdrop of war.
“The most harrowing thing for me is that some of the exchanges just stop and you can’t help but presume that’s because the worst has happened.”
Lenora’s letters, plus two pocket diaries, are currently being filed at the Herefordshire Archives and Record Service by researcher Angela Williams.
She said: “They give us such a personal and fascinating perspective of the war.
“Some soldiers can be quite cheeky and Lenora was not afraid to force an apology if a soldier overstepped the mark.
“Some of the letters are romantic and others perhaps hint at the naughtier side of life.
“It shows just how important letter writing was for morale. It’s such a wonderful thing to have saved.”
(Source: John Siddle, The Mirror- 21/9/2019)