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Behind The Lines: One Woman's War 1914-18: The Letters Of Caroline Ethel Cooper (1982) By Decie Denholm


Behind The Lines: One Woman's War 1914-18 is a biography edited by Decie Denholm that tells the story of Caroline Ethel Cooper and her experiences during World War I. It is based on letters and diaries she wrote during the war and afterwards.


Adelaide-born Caroline Cooper began travelling the world at the age of twenty- six, and had been living and studying music in Leipzig for some years when war was declared in 1914. Although most non-Germans left as soon as possible, she chose to stay, and throughout the war wrote to her sister in Adelaide once a week. Some of the letters were smuggled out to Switzerland and posted in 1915; others were hidden, at times between pages of Beethoven's string quartets. The 227 letters are now deposited in the Archives of the State Library of South Australia.


  • Hard Cover With Dust Jacket
  • 312 Pages
  • In Good Condition

Behind The Lines: One Woman's War 1914-18: The Letters (1982) By Decie Denholm

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