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NCW Roadmap (2007) By Australian Dept. Of Defence


Head Capability Systems, in Defence’s Capability Development Executive, Rear Admiral Matt Tripovich, today (March 2007) officially released the updated Network Centric Warfare (NCW) Roadmap 2007 which outlines the steps to achieve the goal of a combined joint seamless NCW force by 2020.

Speaking at the Avalon air show in Victoria, RADM Tripovich said NCW is about significantly enhancing the Australian Defence Force’s (ADF) warfighting capability.

“NCW uses modern information technology to link sensors, decision makers and weapons systems to produce a decisive war-fighting advantage,” RADM Tripovich said.

“The NCW Roadmap 2007 provides an overview of the milestones that the ADF views as critical to the realisation of our vision for NCW. It will guide the ADF as it exploits the opportunities of NCW in its journey to become further network-enabled. The roadmap sets out measurable milestones in the progression to our networked objectives,” he said.

The broad aims of the Roadmap include:

- informing Defence, industry and the public about the ADF’s vision for NCW;
- providing an overview of the milestones that the ADF views as critical to the realisation of its vision for NCW;
- outlining the development path for the ADF’s NCW capability; and
- providing a status report on the ADF’s evolving NCW capability.

Through the NCW Roadmap 2007 Defence industry can identify future opportunities.

The NCW Roadmap 2007 is a dynamic document that will continue to be reviewed and updated to ensure it remains relevant to the ADF’s needs and keeps us in step with advances in technology.

  • Soft Cover
  • 50 pages
  • In Good Condition

NCW Roadmap (2007) By Australian Dept. Of Defence

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