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Military Non-Fiction Books
(Chronology Of Conflict)

"I had hoped that we were hurling a wildcat onto the shore, but all we got was a stranded whale."

-Churchill, 1951 (On Anzio)

"Comrades, you have lost a good Captain to make a bad General."

-Saturninus, c.100 B.C

Military Non-Fiction Books
(Inquiry Of Conflict)

"Extraordinary Rains Pretty Generally Fall After Great Battles."

-Plutarch 46-120AD

"Bullets Can't Stop Cavalry"

-Sir Douglas Haig

Military Non-Fiction
(Book Sets)

"We shall land at Inchon, and I shall crush them."

-Douglas MacArthur, 1950

"Guerilla War is more intellectual than a Bayonet Charge."

-T.E. Lawrence

Military Fiction Books

"Discipline is simply the art of inspiring more fear in the soldiers of their officers than of the enemy."

-Helvetius, 1758

"...A Damned nice thing-the nearest-run thing you ever saw in your life"

-Wellington, 19 June 1815 (the day after Waterloo)

War Comics

"Mobility, Velocity, Indirect Approach..."

-Heinz Guderian (On Blitzkrieg)

"To call this thing a beach is stiff, It's nothing but a bloody cliff."

-John Churchill, landing at Gallipoli (1915)

Military Magazines

"You Must Not Fight Too Often With One Enemy, Or You Will Teach Him All Your Art Of War."

-Napoleon I

"Before We're Through With Them, The Japanese Language will be Spoken Only In Hell"

-Admiral William F. Halsey
(Dec 7 1941)

Military Journals

"There is nothing more democratic than a bullet or a splinter of steel."

-Wendell L. Willkie, 1944

"To carry on war, three things are necessary: money, money, and yet more money."

-Gian Jacopo Trivulzio, 1499

War Films & Audiobooks

"Come on you sons of bitches! Do you want to live forever?"

-Gunnery Sergeant Dan Daly, 4 June 1918.

"Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum".

-Flavius Vegetius Renatus, c. 390. A.D.

Military Modelling & Wargaming

"Men Grow Tired of Sleep, Love, Singing and Dancing Sooner than of War."

-Homer c.1000BC

"Well, This Will Be Easy. The Japanese Will Surrender Iwo Jima Without A Fight"

-Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Feb 1945.

Military Collectibles

"Artillery lends dignity to what otherwise would be a Vulgar brawl."

-Frederick The Great.

"When any Aircraft passes overhead, we bury our heads like ostriches."

-A French soldier early in World War I.

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